Getting The Ip Using PING Command (Solaris)

Many times we need get the ip for remote, a very simple way is by using the ping command


If you execute the command in the more simple option, like show below, you only get a pretty output telling if you remote host is alive.

cloud-4@:/wp/production/srvr/diag> /usr/sbin/ping cloud-2
cloud-4 is alive

Using the -s option you get more info, incluiding the ip;

cloud-4@:/wp/production/srvr/diag> /usr/sbin/ping -s cloud-2
PING cloud-2: 56 data bytes
64 bytes from cloud-2 ( icmp_seq=0. time=0.098 ms
64 bytes from cloud-2 ( icmp_seq=1. time=0.087 ms
64 bytes from cloud-2 ( icmp_seq=2. time=0.067 ms
----cloud-2 PING Statistics----
3 packets transmitted, 3 packets received, 0% packet loss
round-trip (ms)  min/avg/max/stddev = 0.067/0.084/0.098/0.016


Released Maria DB 10.3.9

Recently the new version of Maria DB, a database manager based on MySQL, has been released. Although the original project was almost a copy of MySQL, it is following its own evolution. Here I include the main features of this version

  • Oracle compatibility (data types, sequences and PL/SQL syntax)
  • System-versioned tables and temporal syntax (e.g., AS OF)
  • Purpose-built storage engines (MyRocks and Spider)
  • Data obfuscation and full/partial data masking
  • Instant add column, invisible columns and column compression

To download this version and more information about it you can use the following link;

Maria DB 10.3.9


Delete Files Starting With – Character In Unix

Today I have received an alarm by run of space in a ORACLE_HOME filesystem, looking for files to delete I have found the aud files, but the problem is when I try delete files starting with prefix “-“, like show below;

cloud@motif-1./app/grd/18.3/rdbms/audit $
cloud@motif-1./app/grd/18.3/rdbms/audit $ rm -MGMTDB_ora_24540_20180821124431970337143795.aud
rm: illegal option -- M
rm: illegal option -- G
rm: illegal option -- M
rm: illegal option -- T
rm: illegal option -- D
rm: illegal option -- B
rm: illegal option -- _
rm: illegal option -- o
rm: illegal option -- a
rm: illegal option -- _
rm: illegal option -- 2
rm: illegal option -- 4
rm: illegal option -- 5
rm: illegal option -- 4
rm: illegal option -- 0
rm: illegal option -- _
rm: illegal option -- 2
rm: illegal option -- 0
rm: illegal option -- 1
rm: illegal option -- 8
rm: illegal option -- 0
rm: illegal option -- 8
rm: illegal option -- 2
rm: illegal option -- 1
rm: illegal option -- 1
rm: illegal option -- 2
rm: illegal option -- 4
rm: illegal option -- 4
rm: illegal option -- 3
rm: illegal option -- 1
rm: illegal option -- 9
rm: illegal option -- 7
rm: illegal option -- 0
rm: illegal option -- 3
rm: illegal option -- 3
rm: illegal option -- 7
rm: illegal option -- 1
rm: illegal option -- 4
rm: illegal option -- 3
rm: illegal option -- 7
rm: illegal option -- 9
rm: illegal option -- 5
rm: illegal option -- .
rm: illegal option -- a
rm: illegal option -- u
rm: illegal option -- d
usage: rm [-fiRr] file ...
cloud@motif-1./app/grd/18.3/rdbms/audit $

use — (double -) to make rm command stop parsing command line options

rm — -MGMTDB_ora_24540_20180821124431970337143795.aud

Or in this other way

rm — *.aud